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2014-10-30 10:36:06      点击:
A good song, should be the music accompaniment of singing voice accounted for 40%, accounted for 60%, if the singer sounds good, may be appropriate to reduce the number of accompaniment music component, in order to highlight the singer singing; if the singers on the song melody is not very familiar with, easy to sing out of tune, not on the beat, to cover up the shortcomings, may be appropriate to increase the number of accompaniment music component. But in the concrete operation, careful not to overly large microphone volume adjustment, more cannot sing volume is much higher than that of accompaniment music. The results appear accompaniment sound too weak, most of the time, only to hear the singer's voice, like a person in there a cappella, lost OK to Cara atmosphere; also can't let accompaniment sound too strong, sound is too strong, and can overwhelm the singer singing, it sounds as if it is just a band playing music and can not see the singer's taste.
如何调节好济南音响 伴奏音乐的音调 :伴奏音乐是根据原唱者的声调而调演奏的,它不可能适应每一个演唱者的噪音条件,比如有的演唱者的音域比较高,有的演唱者演唱的音区比较低,为了能让伴奏音乐照顾到每一个演唱者的噪音特性,音响师、调音师应对演唱者的声音特性有灵敏的听觉反应。演唱时,先把音调控制放在中间位置,既不提升,也不下降。一曲开始,如果演唱者合得上调,那就不必去调节;反之,演唱者如感到低音区唱不下去,或是高音区跟不上来,可根据实际情况将传送音调调节到演唱者适应的音区。
How to regulate Ji'nan audio accompaniment music tone: music accompaniment is according to the original singing tone and adjustable performance, it can not adapt to each singer's noise conditions, such as some singer's vocal range is relatively high, some singers singing sound areas is relatively low, the noise characteristics in order to make music to take care of each singer, auditory responsive characteristics of sound sound engineer, mixer division deal with the singer's. At the concert, first tone control is placed in the middle position, neither enhance nor fall. A start, if the singer was raised, that does not need to adjust; on the contrary, singers such as feel District bass sing down, or the high areas to keep up, according to the actual situation may transmit tone adjustment to adapt to register the singer.
The tuning is operation process is a highly artistic, it needs the tuner has good musical sense and savvy, usually need to have higher musicianship, to the scene to auditory responsive, so out of tune sounds can be accepted by the audience.